Located in Hatagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
K. K. Clearth Life
Completion Date
Jan 2023
Starting Price
From HKD 2,140,000*
3-76-10, Hatagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
- Unit Types Size
- 1K 21.61 - 33.61m²
- 1DK 34.33m²
- 1LDK 33.61 - 33.74m²
No.of Units:
Residential Tower(s):
Bike Parking 24-hour Security Management with Pick-resistant Lock Residential Locker 4K Compatible Antenna Device Kitchenware Separate bathroom and toilet
Developed by Clearthlife Group, founded in 1984; an experienced property developer that focuses on building premium luxury investment apartments in Tokyo. Until now, the company has developed and serviced over 401 projects across Japan.
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